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Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: Sigma Drives IT-Eureka! Ukraine Contest

Sigma invites Ukrainian students to take part in the IT-Eureka! Ukraine contest, an ultimate platform for entrepreneurship development and innovations. This year the competition will be held in a format of a hackathon. The registration is open on the IT-Eureka! Ukraine official website until March 31, 2017.

Carl-Harald Andersson (to the left) and Maciej Reutt with the official registration document at the Notary Office in Wrocław.

Sigma IT Consulting expands in Poland with a new office in Wrocław

In order to meet key clients’ demands for nearshore skills, and address the expanding IT/R&D market in Poland, Sigma has opened a new office in Wrocław, Poland.
The establishment is a strategic decision to strengthen Sigma’s position through skilled software engineers and IT specialists from Poland, thus becoming even more successful both in Sweden as well as the other countries where Sigma

Foto Maria Uhr

Sigma satsar på utbildning av unga kodare tillsammans med Kodcentrum

Utbildning, jämställdhet och mångfald är tre utmaningar, och i förlängningen möjligheter, som Sigma identifierat för att säkra kompetens till att driva det svenska IT-undret framåt. Sigma går därför in som huvudsponsor till Kodcentrum, en förening som introducerar programmering och digitalt skapande för 9–13-åringar och skapar möjligheter för nästa generations kodare i Sverige.

Scania signs new framework agreements with Sigma

Scania signs new framework agreements with Sigma

Sigma has been entrusted to deliver consulting and broker services to Scania. The framework agreements for several years cover both consulting and broker services within R&D and IS/IT with Sigma as a preferred supplier.

Scania väljer Sigma för nya ramavtal

Scania väljer Sigma för nya ramavtal

Sigma har fått förtroendet att leverera konsult- och mäklartjänster till Scania. Ramavtalen, som sträcker sig över flera år, avser konsult- och mäklartjänster inom R&D och IS/IT med Sigma som preferred supplier.

– Efter en omfattande upphandlingsprocess har vi valt att förnya ramavtalen med Sigma. Denna gång för leverans av både konsulter och mäklartjänster, säger Samuel Touma, inköpare

György Nagy, Agnes Konda, Sigma Technology, and József Keleti, Country Manager of Bisnode Hungary.

Sigma Technology has Renewed its Highest Rating from Bisnode

Sigma Technology Hungary received an AAA rating from Bisnode, a member of the Sweden-based Bisnode Group, Europe’s largest business, marketing, and credit information agency. Sigma Technology Hungary has held this high mark for the fourth year in a row.

Hend Kareem, development engineer at Sigma Technology,  enjoys to learn new things all the time

Women in Technology: interview with Hend Kareem

Hend Kareem, development engineer at Sigma Technology, started studying computer engineering out of pure curiosity and zest to learn new things. Eventually, engineering became her hobby and her career. Now Hend shares how it feels to be a consultant, and what she has learned from following her dreams.

Andreas Lamkén, CTO at Sigma Technology

Sigma becomes one of the first to implement new HyperConverged technology

An opportunity to build HyperConverged clusters in Windows Server (WS) 2016 is a compact and price-efficient solution from Microsoft that many companies have been looking forward to. Sigma Technology has implemented the new technology with support from Hewlett Packard Enterprise and became one of the first consulting companies in Sweden to make use of it.

Klas Persson, President at Sigma Technology Development, reflects on innovations and challenges of the service sector

Innovations and Challenges Overview: We Live in Exciting Times

It is an extremely exciting period for us, since many revolutionary technologies are being developed, including electric power, self-driving vehicles, smart houses and internet-connected equipment as well as all the possibilities that these create. It feels very inspiring to be part of our sector just now and to be able to help our customers.

Linlin Zhang, control system engineer at Sigma Technology, talks about engineering, knowledge, and dreams. Linlin also shares her advice to young women who consider engineering as their career.

Women in Technology: interview with Linlin Zhang

Linlin Zhang, control system engineer at Sigma Technology, talks about engineering, knowledge, and dreams. Linlin also shares her advice to young women who consider engineering as their career.

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Expect a better tomorrow

Sigma is a leading consulting group with an objective to make our customers more competitive. Our means are technological know-how and a constant passion for finding better solutions. In total, we are 5,000 employees in sixteen countries. Our services are provided by Sigma Technology, Sigma Connectivity, Sigma Industry, Sigma Civil, and Sigma Software.

Sigma is owned by Danir, held by the Dan Olofsson family.