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Sigma Energy & Marine AS, which has achieved an impressive growth of 730% over four years, has recently been recognized as a Gasell company in Norway, a distinction earned by only 2% of companies in the country. The company specializes in engineering expertise within offshore, subsea, and renewable energy and is part of Sigma Industry in Sweden.

Sigma Industry West - 10 years

Sigma Industry West celebrates 10 years of success

Sigma Industry West, which delivers cutting-edge expertise in product development, has grown into a group of 7 companies engaging over 650 persons since its inception. Today, the company celebrates its 10th anniversary

Konsultbolaget Sigma växer i Norrland!

Konsultbolaget Sigma växer i Norrland!

Sigma expanderar och fortsätter satsa långsiktigt i norra Sverige. I Luleå, Piteå och Umeå finns redan lokala kontor som växer. Kundens behov och utvecklingen i regionen styr etableringen och utvecklingen av framtida kontor i Norrland.
Sigma består av ett flertal bolag med olika tekniska kompetensområden som tillsammans bildar Sigma. I Norrland ligger huvudfokus just nu på utveckling inom bolag

För Umeå Energi är kvalitet centralt och självklart!

För Umeå Energi är kvalitet centralt och självklart!

Umeå Energi Elnät arbetar aktivt med kvalitet och effektiva arbetsprocesser. Genom detta säkerhetsställer man att slutkunderna får det de betalar för. Digpros dpPower är det centrala informationssystemet för Umeå Energi Elnät. I systemet lagras bland annat all teknisk data kopplat till nätbolagets kapitalbas, som via förhandsregleringen av elnätsmonopolet ligger till grund för intäktsramen. Det är

Sigma acquires Aker Solutions ́ unit in Gothenburg

Sigma acquires Aker Solutions ́ unit in Gothenburg

Sigma Industry West takes over Aker Solutions’ unit in Gothenburg with 90 employees and becomes a leading provider of underwater technology engineering services. The acquisition is part of the strategy to expand the business to include energy and marine constructions.

Sigma joins the biggest tech event for women in Stockholm

Sigma joins the biggest tech event for women in Stockholm

On March 8, the biggest tech conference for women, Women in Tech, will take place in Stockholm. The tickets to the event were sold out in just 10 minutes after the registration start, which is an undoubtable proof of its great value. Women in Tech aims to empower talented women to develop career in the field of technology by providing networking and experience sharing platform.

Sigma wins frame agreement with Vattenfall

Sigma wins frame agreement with Vattenfall

Sigma and Vattenfall have signed a frame agreement with Sigma as an A-supplier of technical consultants to Vattenfall Nordic’s electricity production units, SKB, Heat, services, and staff. The contract period is three years with an option for a one-year lengthening.

Expect a better tomorrow

Sigma is a leading consulting group with an objective to make our customers more competitive. Our means are technological know-how and a constant passion for finding better solutions. In total, we are 5,000 employees in sixteen countries. Our services are provided by Sigma Technology, Sigma Connectivity, Sigma Software, Sigma Industry East North, Sigma Industry West, and Sigma Industry South.

Sigma is owned by Danir, held by the Dan Olofsson family.