Press release -
Sigma Technology partners with Head On Nails AB to evolve the skills development & tracking domain
Being the most recommended employer in Sweden in 2020, Sigma Technology supports career growth and follows each employee’s path “from trainee to coach”, making it easy to learn and develop at Sigma Technology. “We share Head on Nails’ significant mission to evolve and revolutionize the lifelong learning process and how skills are developed and managed. Our team is also honored to take over the whole responsibility for the platform development from scratch, release management, and post-production maintenance and upgrades,” shares Rashin Kabodvand, CEO at Sigma Technology Digital & Cloud Solutions.
Rashin Kabodvand, explains why this collaboration is significant for Sigma Technology: “Skills development is extremely important in today's society. Technology is evolving every day and as an IT supplier, we have an obligation to provide our customers with the right skills and competence in a timely manner. We, like many other employers, want to offer skills development for our employees and I find SkillUpTool to be the perfect solution to meet technological disruption and look forward to the journey we are stepping on together.”
Per Wigström, CEO at Head on Nails comments: “We were looking for a partner for the development and management of SkillUpTool and Sigma Technology fits perfectly for this role. We appreciate their broad cloud competence and complete understanding of our business.”
About SkillUpTool
SkillUpTool is a cloud-based and AI-driven tool for private and public organizations aiming to provide an innovative experience for skill management, implementation, and development of skills validation activities, life-long learning, and pedagogical methodologies. The tool is backed by a number of formalized quality assurance processes and connects employers, individuals, organizations, educational institutions, and employment services in a dynamic co-dependent network allowing all parties to benefit.
For more information, contact Rashin Kabodvand, CEO at Sigma Technology Digital & Cloud Solutions,, +46 702 84 66 19
Sigma is a leading consulting group with an objective to make our customers more competitive. Our means are technological know-how and a constant passion for finding better solutions. In total, we are 5,000 employees in sixteen countries. Our services are provided by Sigma Technology, Sigma Connectivity, Sigma Industry, Sigma Civil, and Sigma Software.
Sigma is owned by Danir, held by the Dan Olofsson family.