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Magnus Perman, Senior Business Intelligence consultant at Sigma IT, takes part in the PyCon conference.
Magnus Perman, Senior Business Intelligence consultant at Sigma IT, takes part in the PyCon conference.

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Sigma IT sponsors PyCon Sweden 2020

For the seventh year in a row, PyCon Sweden organizes the annual Python conference in Sweden. This year the conference is completely digital and will take place on November 12-13 2020. Sigma IT is proud to sponsor this event.

Magnus Perman, Senior Business Intelligence consultant at Sigma IT says:

“Python is one of the most popular programming languages and is used in e.g. data science and web programming. The language is general with applications in many different domains. It is an important area of expertise for us at Sigma IT. It will be really fun and interesting to be at the conference and I´m looking forward to it.”

The conference is during 2 days and as a participant there are many different talks in several parallel tracks to follow:

DevOps, Testing/Continuous Integration, Cyber Security, Big Data/Data Science, High-Performance/Scientific Computing, Web, Education, Career

More information about the conference at:

For more information:

Beatrice Silow, Head of Communication and culture
Tel: +46 703 791506



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