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Innovation development in Hungary discussed at the Swedish-Hungarian World Café

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Innovation development in Hungary discussed at the Swedish-Hungarian World Café

How to develop the Hungarian innovation ecosystem? This was the top question at the World Innovation Café, in Budapest, on June 11. The event was attended by leading Swedish companies operating on the Hungarian market. Sigma Technology was invited to take part in one of the discussions.

Government officials in Sweden and Hungary are considering innovation development as one of the breakout points for the European economies and are working closely together to establish R&D strategies. Innovation activities provide companies with new business opportunities and promote employment prospects as well as the reduction of social inequalities. Special attention is paid to education, startups growth with substantial R&D activities, and the establishment of a legal environment to support innovation. 

The Embassy of Sweden together with the Business Sweden Council organized the World Café, held in Budapest, on June 11. The event gathered Swedish and Hungarian experts and decision makers from the private sector to discuss innovation and R&D development in Hungary. The World Café concept enables free discussions, and creates confidence and an informal atmosphere.

Representatives of the Embassy of Sweden and leading Swedish companies operating on the Hungarian market – Sigma Technology, Ericsson, Electrolux – were the event`s guests. The participants shared what innovation meant for each of them and generated ideas on how to create an inspiring innovative environment. They also stressed the vital role of education in this process.

Carl Vikingsson, CEO of Sigma Technology, comments:

“Innovation is a multifaceted term, which consists of many components, including creativity, flexibility, continuous improvement, and constant search for self-perfection. To be innovative means being one step ahead; this is what makes it so important for business. Our goal is not limited by the creation of an innovative environment within a single company or even a particular industry. We are seeking to create an innovative society. At Sigma Technology, we believe that innovations can be taught and learned, that is why we underline the crucial role of education in this process. Another major factor for innovation development is competition, which always makes us move forward.



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Sigma is a leading consulting group with an objective to make our customers more competitive. Our means are technological know-how and a constant passion for finding better solutions. In total, we are 5,000 employees in sixteen countries. Our services are provided by Sigma Technology, Sigma Connectivity, Sigma Industry, Sigma Civil, and Sigma Software.

Sigma is owned by Danir, held by the Dan Olofsson family.